Believe it or not, there are quite a few SERIOUS Planet of the Apes collectors throughout the world that go to all lengths and extremes when building their collections.  Posted here is one of the more ambitious examples that we know of (so far). 
If you would like some space to post-and-boast about your collection, e-mail the Apemaster at .
We'd love to display your stuff!



"I set up my basement for the neighborhood for halloween with all the masks and goodies in my collection (approx 200 masks, plus a couple orignal pieces from Beneath: mutant head,and face they pull off.

The costumes I have are: all 3 astronaut pants from original, all 3 jumpsuits from Conquest ,mutant robe from Beneath, vinyl gorilla from Beneath, leather gorilla from TV series, a Male chimp from Planet, orang from Battle,and a red costume worn in the tv series the horse race,and the prototype female gorilla tunic (one of a kind?  We never saw a female ANYTHING other than chimps!)

If you have any questions for this collector, 
you can e-mail him by clicking here GO APE BILLY .

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